Tuesday, May 12, 2009

132:365 Graffiti

132:365 Graffiti
The reconstruction and recovery from Hurricane Katrina has been a slow struggle in New Orleans. You still see areas that have not been rebuilt. My cousin lives in the French Quarter which was not flooded when the levies broke. The people who live there did evacuate and they were not allowed to return for some time. Rescue agencies searched each house looking for people and animals left behind. Many houses in the area have not painted over the poignant reminders left by the rescuers. Theme #126 Graffiti.


Anonymous said...

You've found a really interesting and historic piece of 'graffiti' to show us. And, of course, you made it into a great image. It's really interesting that people would want the continuing reminder of the tragic flooding.

Chesney said...

Your image tells a story! This is awesome and a sad reminder of the struggles that New Orleans still faces!

Debra said...

A very touching image.

Lorri said...

A very poignant photo! I think they're smart to leave the reminders; we shouldn't forget this tragedy.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Just as a photograph, the colors and details are eye-catching. The history gies it additional poignancy.

mljrbg said...

You have taken a portion of a tragic event and made it into a beautiful photograph. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

That's a really unique interpretation and a beautiful photo of a terrible time.

Anonymous said...

I'd can't add to what's been said, well done Clara!

Anonymous said...

Very poignant - and the contrasting color in the photo are arresting, too.