Saturday, September 12, 2009

255:365 Living the Green Life

255:365 Living the Green Life
If you travel through rural Alabama this time of year, you will see lots of trucks and trailers backed up to the road full of watermelons. Most of these watermelon sales are on the honor system. You get you watermelon and leave your money in a box. My brother-in-law does this every year and he says that he has never had anything stolen. Theme #173.


Chesney said...

Wow, I am impressed w/ that honor system - I would think the kids would have a hey day! :) I just bought a watermelon tonite, and boy was it good! :)

John said...

Great shot of a truckload of watermelons and the honor system story adds another layer to the theme. I've placed a few veggies by the side of the road with a mason jar of change and haven't had any problems.

lijola said...

Nice countryside shot.

Anonymous said...

Wonder why you still have melons for sale along the roadside, but our roadside stands are all gone?? I love melon. The season could last all year and I would still want more. :D Nice shot.

Yes, we have had vendors on the honor system too. Neighbor down the street sells his tomatoes that way.

Anonymous said...

We have some honor-system stands in our area too. So nice to know that civility and kindness still exist in some pockets of the world. I love the shot you captured - it's a nice slice of America.