Saturday, October 17, 2009

280:365 Heart's Desire

280:375 Heart's Desire
I'm back after ten days of no computer. My computer took a major nose-dive ten days ago, and I just now got it back. This theme is Heart's Desire because the nectar seems to be the heart's desire of the bumble bee, and it has been my heart's desire to get back to my blog.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous detail in that bee! i was wondering what was up with you, how frustrating... glad you are back.

Sunny said...

Welcome back. Your picture is simply beeutiful!
Sunny :)

John said...

Great detail on bee.

lijola said...

Great closeup and action shot, too. My computer was working, but internet went out for a few days, equally frustrating. Glad we are both back.

BobbieCoughlin said...

I'm glad your computer is back on track. That's one of the best bee photos I've ever seen.